The Magic Flute Production Photos!

Photographer Tim Wilkerson took some great photos last night during the Final Dress Rehearsal of The Magic Flute, so here’s a sneak peek:

The three ladies and Tamino (Sean Panikkar):
Papageno (Hugh Russell) and the bird puppets:
The Queen of the Night (Kathleen Kim):

The Queen of the Night (Kathleen Kim) and Tamino (Sean Panikkar):

Sarastro (Denis Sedov) and Pamina (Nicole Cabell):

The three genies and Tamino (Sean Panikkar):

Tamino (Sean Panikkar) with his flute:

Papageno (Hugh Russell) and Papagena (Rebecca Kier):

Sarastro (Denis Sedov) and the Atlanta Opera Chorus:
Tamino (Sean Panikkar) and Pamina (Nicole Cabell):

If you want to hear what other people thought of the Final Dress Rehearsal, check out our Twitter page. We had about eight tweeters show up for Social Media night and tweet live during the performance. It was a great success, and we appreciate everyone who participated!