Gianluca Terranova: Life on the Road

The Atlanta Opera: How
do you balance getting into character in each production while making yourself
comfortable in a new city?
Gianluca Terranova: Every time
I go to a different city, I filter my character with the director and the
conductor and the rest of the cast. I need a good team to do my job, because I believe in teamwork. when I have that, then I can put all my
experience and my passion to work to give it my best.

do you think of Atlanta? Any particular place, meal, or adventure stick out so
I don’t
know Atlanta well, but I will have time to explore the city. I like the
weather, because it’s the same in my city – Rome, Italy. I see very nice homes and manicured gardens, the people are very kind and this is
good for my soul, and also the state of my mind it takes to sing better! Every
time I’m in the USA I always have a feeling of great positive energy!

One would imagine that constant travel could strain your voice, as well as your
mental and physical fortitude. Any thoughts on keeping in good health on the
the commitments are close to each other, a good thing to do is sleep well when
you can.

What’s the first thing you do when you go home?
Sleep in my
bed and relax with some friends and family. And off course warm up my voice
with the Rigoletto score.

is your craziest travel story?
I was in
Switzerland for a summer opera festival and had to go to Lugano to take my
family to the train station. I had the [navigation device in] my car take a shortcut because I was late. So I followed the navigator and I found myself
climbing a mountain road. I arrived at 3000 meters! I saw the glaciers, waterfalls and snow in July! I was only two hours on the road and I was afraid
because I had a short-sleeved shirt and it was zero degrees outside! Fortunately, the road started down and got on the highway!

are the 5 things you must have when you travel?
caffe, parmigiano, medicine, recorder, and [my] voice!